@inproceedings{ Pedrosa_Graván_Peña-martín_MALDONADO_Kanduc_MONCHO_GÁLVEZ,
author = { María Pedrosa Bustos and Pablo Graván Jiménez and Jesús Peña-martín and JULIA MALDONADO VALDERRAMA and Matej Kanduc and ARTURO MONCHO JORDÁ and MARÍA JOSÉ GÁLVEZ RUIZ } ,
title = { Exploring the interactions of anticancer drugs with real and model cell membranes: a multidisciplinary approach using Langmuir films and Molecular Dynamics simulations },
booktitle = { Interdisciplinary challenges: From non-equilibrium physics to life sciences },
year = { 2023 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Roma, Italia },