@inproceedings{ GARCIA_CONEJO_Nuñez-Carretero_Carrasco_García_MARCHAL_Gallo-Mezo_Campos-Rosa,
author = { MARIA EUGENIA GARCIA RUBIÑO and ANA CONEJO GARCÍA and Maria Del Carmen Nuñez-Carretero and Esther Carrasco and María Ángel García and JUAN ANTONIO MARCHAL CORRALES and Miguel Angel Gallo-Mezo and Joaquin María Campos-Rosa } ,
title = { Different levels of apoptosis caused by enantiomers in breast cancer cell },
booktitle = { XVIIth National Meeting on "Advances in Drug Discovery: Successes, Trends and Future Challenges },
year = { 2013 },
pages = { None - None },
location = { Madrid, España },