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M. Cruz-Lozano, A. González-González, J.A. Marchal Corrales, E. Muñoz-Muela, M. Molina-Vallejo, F.E. Cara, A.M. Brown, G. García-Rivas, C. Hernández-Brenes, J.A. Lorente Acosta, P. Sanchez-Rovira , J.C. Chang and S. Granados Principal,  "Hydroxytyrosol inhibits cancer stem cells and the metastatic capacity of triple-negative breast cancer cell lines by the simultaneous targeting of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition, Wnt/ß-catenin and TGFß signaling pathways.",  European Journal of Nutrition, vol.58 , 3207-3219, 2019
P. Hernández-Camarero, E. López Ruiz, C. Griñán-Lison, M. Garcia-Chaves, C. Chocarro-Wrona, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J. Kenyon and M. Peran Quesada,  "Pancreatic (pro)enzymes treatment suppresses BXPC-3 pancreatic Cancer Stem Cell subpopulation and impairs tumour engrafting",  Scientific Reports, vol.9 , 1-16, 2019
M.E. Garcia Rubiño, E. Carrillo-Delgado, A. Dominguez-Martin, J.A. Marchal Corrales and H. Boulaiz Tassi,  "Phenformin as an Anticancer Agent: Challenges and Prospects",  International Journal of Molecular Sciences, vol.20 , 3316-3333, 2019
E.L. Aparicio Puerta, R. Lebrón Aguilar, A. Rueda-Martín, C.A. Gómez Martín, S. Giannoukakos, D. Jaspez, J.M. Medina Muñoz, A. Zubkovic, I. Jurak, B. Fromm, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J.L. Oliver Jimenez and M. Hackenberg,  "sRNAbench and sRNAtoolbox 2019: intuitive fast small RNA profiling and differential expression",  Nucleic Acids Research, vol.47 , W530-W535, 2019
J.M. Baena-Martinez, G. Jiménez González, E. López Ruiz, C. Antich, C. Griñán-Lison, M. Peran Quesada, P. Galvez-Martin and J.A. Marchal Corrales,  "Volume-by-volume bioprinting of chondrocytes-alginate bioinks in high temperature thermoplastic scaffolds for cartilage regeneration.",  Experimental Biology And Medicine , -, 2019
P. Hernández-Camarero, E. López Ruiz, M.A. Garcia Chaves, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J. Kenyon and M. Peran Quesada,  "(Pro)enzimas pancreáticas: un potente fármaco natural contra el cáncer", "III Jornadas/I Congreso Nacional Investigadores en Formación fomentando la interdisciplinariedad", None-None, 2018
C. Chocarro, C. Antich, E. López Ruiz, P. Galvez and J.A. Marchal Corrales,  "3D Bioprinting Strategies to bioengineer complex tissue constructs for its application in Biomedicine", "I Jornadas de jóvenes investigadores de la facultad de farmacia", None-None, 2018
A.M. Aguilera Garrido, F. Galisteo González, J. Maldonado Valderrama, J.A. Marchal Corrales and M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,  "A GREAT CHALLENGE IN ONCOLOGICAL THERAPY: ORAL ADMINISTRATION OF NOVEL LIPID NANOCAPSULES (LNCs) LOADED WITH DRUGS AGAIN PANCREATIC CANCER", "17th Food Colloids Conference: Application of Soft Matter Concepts", None-None, 2018

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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