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C. González , M.C. Rosa-Garrido, L. Díaz-Beltrán, P. Mena, F. Galvez, A. Cózar-Ibáñez, J. Sainz Perez, J.A. Marchal Corrales, J. Pérez-Del Palacio, R. Fernández, C. Díaz-Navarro and P. Sanchez-Rovira ,  "Metabolomics signature as a survival predictor in patients with resectable colorectal liver metastasis",  Clinical and Translational Medicine, vol.14 , -, 2024
M.B. Toledo, C. Deiana, F. Sciàno, G. Brandi, J.A. Marchal Corrales, M. Peran Quesada and E. Giovannetti,  "Treatment resistance in pancreatic and biliary tract cancer: molecular and clinical pharmacology perspectives",  Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology , -, 2024
M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá and M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,  " Anticancer drug-cell membrane interactions by Langmuir monolayers and Molecular Dynamic simulations", "VI Congreso de Jóvenes Investigadores e Investigadoras en Coloides e Interfases ", None-None, 2023
J.L. Blaya-Cánovas, C. Griñán-Lison, A. López Tejada, M.I. Blancas López-Barajas, A. Navarro, J. Calahorra, V. Delgado-Almenta, J.A. Marchal Corrales, R.M. Sánchez Martín and S. Granados Principal,  "Evaluation of exhausted T-cell biomimetic nanoparticles for cancer therapy", "Annual Congress of the European Association for Cancer Research", None-None, 2023
M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, J. Maldonado Valderrama, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá and M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,  "Exploring the interactions of anticancer drugs with real and model cell membranes: a multidisciplinary approach using Langmuir films and Molecular Dynamics simulations", "Interdisciplinary challenges: From non-equilibrium physics to life sciences ", None-None, 2023
M. Pedrosa Bustos, P. Graván Jiménez, J. Peña-Martín, M. Kanduc, A. Moncho Jordá and M.J. Gálvez Ruiz,  "Improving Langmuir monolayer studies of anticancer drug interactions using real cell membranes and Molecular Dynamics simulations", "2nd MOSBRI Scientific Conference ", None-None, 2023
P. Hernández-Camarero, E. López Ruiz, J.A. Marchal Corrales and M. Peran Quesada,  "Inflammation, cancer heterogeneity, phenotypic plasticity and nucleotide editing: an accurate tumour progression hypothesis", "Inflammation, cancer heterogeneity, phenotypic plasticity and nucleotide editing: an accurate tumour progression hypothesis", None-None, 2023
E. López Ruiz, J.A. Marchal Corrales and M. Peran Quesada,  "Inflammation, cancer heterogeneity, phenotypic plasticity and nucleotide editing: an accurate tumour progression hypothesis", "Inflammation, cancer heterogeneity, phenotypic plasticity and nucleotide editing: an accurate tumour progression hypothesis", None-None, 2023

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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